Here are some essential cooking measurements conversions in chart form.
Most of the recipes on the site are listed using Imperial measures, that is, cups, teaspoons, tablespoons, ounces and pounds.
Cooking conversions are provided here for oven temperatures, volume and weight cooking measurement conversions and measurement conversions (inches to centimeters).
You will find that these cooking conversions will come in very handy as you find recipes from all parts of the world.
Cooking Substitutions: You’ll find our extensive list of ingredient substitutions here.
Cooking Conversions Charts
Volume Conversions
Imperial |
Metric |
1/4 teaspoon (tsp) | 1.25 ml (mililiter) |
1/2 tsp | 2.5 ml |
1 tsp | 5 ml |
1 tablespoon (tbsp) | 15 ml |
1/4 cup | 60 ml |
1/3 cup | 75 ml |
1/2 cup | 125 ml |
2/3 cup | 150 ml |
3/4 cup | 175 ml |
1 cup | 250 ml |
1 1/8 cups | 275 ml |
1 1/4 cups | 300 ml |
1 1/2 cups | 350 ml |
1 2/3 cups | 400 ml |
1 3/4 cups | 450 ml |
2 cups | 500 ml |
2 1/2 cups | 600 ml |
3 cups | 750 ml |
3 2/3 cups | 900 ml |
4 cups | 1 liter |
Oven Heat Conversions
Fahrenheit |
Celsius |
Oven Heat |
225º | 110º | very cool |
250º | 120º | very cool |
275º | 140º | cool |
300º | 150º | cool |
325º | 160º | moderate |
350º | 180º | moderate |
375º | 190º | moderately hot |
400º | 200º | moderately hot |
425º | 220º | hot |
450º | 230º | very hot |
Weights Measurements
Imperial |
Metric |
Imperial |
Metric |
1/2 ounce (oz) | 15 g (grams) | 1/4 in (inch) | 5 mm (milimeter) |
1 oz | 25 g | 1/2 in | 1 cm (centimeter) |
2 oz | 50 g | 1 in | 2.5 cm |
3 oz | 75 g | 2 in | 5 cm |
4 oz | 100 g | 3 in | 7 cm |
6 oz | 175 g | 4 in | 10 cm |
7 oz | 200 g | 5 in | 12 cm |
8 oz | 250 g | 6 in | 15 cm |
9 oz | 275 g | 7 in | 18 cm |
10 oz | 300 g | 8 in | 20 cm |
12 oz | 350 g | 9 in | 23 cm |
1 lb (pound) | 450 g | 10 in | 25 cm |
1 1/2 | 750 g | 11 in | 28 cm |
2 lb | 1 kg (kilogram) | 12 in (1 foot) | 30 cm |
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Recipe for upgrading 15.25 oz. cakes mixes to 18.25 oz. cake mixes. I got this from the lady who writes the food column for the Sun Sentinel newspaper in Ft. Lauderdale. 1 and 1/2 cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 2 tsp. baking powder, 1/4 tsp. baking soda. Mix well and store in jar or other container. To upsize a white cake add 6 TBS, to the mix and follow directions on the box. DO NOT alter any other ingredients. To make a chocolate cake upgrade SUBSTITUTE the 6 TBS. of the white mix with 6 TBS. of unsweetened cocoa powder. Again, DO NOT change any other ingredients. I have used this three of four times and it does the job.